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Danielle George

  • Articles, Depression, Poem, Poems

    Poem: Playing Cards

    The back and forth of the pale yellow tinted cards

    We pass them to the pile in sharp manners 

    Sly glares are exchanged until one is declared the winner


    When you left, I kept playing

    But what is a winner with no loser

    It wasn’t until I discovered the other her that I realized

    You had won all along


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    Only Child

    A shrill scream shattered the peace of the silent night air. The source of the scream’s rushed footsteps echoed in the dark…

  • Articles, Poem, Poems

    I Am Poetry

    I am an Ocean A constant force of back and forth Pressing against the warm grains of sand Retreating back to my…

  • a cozy dorm room
    Articles, College, School

    Dorm Essentials

    One of the hardest things about growing is leaving your family and or home. Most colleges require that their first-year students spend…