Articles, Depression,, Stress Dealing with Disappointment February 10, 2022 We all feel and experience disappointment in our lives, whether it is someone important letting us down or us letting ourselves down….
Articles, Lifestyle, Opinion The Lack of Gray Area in our Lives: Why we Choose Sides January 14, 2022 Whether it concerns a playful or a more serious topic, people often choose sides. We pick a definite stance on an issue,…
Articles,, Health, Lifestyle, Mental Health, Stress How to Make Journaling More Effective November 16, 2021 People often suggest journaling as a method to relieve stress and frustrations, but it was not until recently when this became an…
Articles, School The Flaws in Our History Curriculum October 7, 2021 With Indigenous Peoples’ Day coming up on October 11, I found myself reflecting on the education I have received regarding Indigenous peoples…
Articles, Birth Control, Health, Politics, Women's History Texas and a Woman’s Right to Choose September 9, 2021 What Happened? On September 1, 2021, a new law went into effect in Texas banning women from having abortions after cardiac activity…
Articles,, School, Technology Seven Must-Have Apps for School August 18, 2021 Starting the 2021-2022 school year can be harder than expected, especially since we haven’t experienced “normal school” in a year and a…