Dots of color switching sides
Many cubes on cubes reside
Spinning round a central point
Corners of a swivel joint
Stain-glass window kind of game
Plastic test of patience strength
Wheels are turning, figure out
Matching units, move about
Motley mix you straighten up
Manipulate like stacking cups
Sacrifice a pretty side,
Open new doors out and wide
Triple-layered stack of fun
Tri-columned quiz for one
Fourside, nineside, three-by-three,
Tournament or casually
Click, swish, tap, slide,
Scramble, solve, switch, glide
Shake it, break it, stare it down
Or master it and wear the crown
And after hours, you’ll shout “Whew!
I’m glad I solved that Rubik’s Cube!”
If I could drink the sky, I would drink it at dawnWhen the air is cool and freshAnd tastes of new beginnings.I…
Articles, Confidence, Depression, Environment, Food, Home Life, Mental Health, Poem, Poems, Thinking Positive, Writing
Where I’m from – A Poem Inspired by George Ella Lyon
I’m from steaming plates of Lebanese foodKibbeh, meat pies, lemon saladBig hearty laughs and the sound of shuffling cardsOn a wooden table…
What is prejudice, and what does it look like? Harsh words spoken to a certain group of people? Tactless jokes about a…