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A Simple Guide to Houseplants

Guide to Houseplants GirlSpring

Houseplants are a fun way to decorate your living space. I used to think having plants would be hard and honestly just not worth it. But now, after having a few plants for about a month now, I can confirm they are just as great as they seem. Here’s a beginner’s guide to some houseplants that are relatively easy to take care of and will look stunning


These are beautiful trailing vines that are nicknamed the “devil’s ivy” because of their ability to withstand most circumstances. These usually need to be watered after their soil is dry to touch (about 1 1/2 weeks). They can be placed in a variety of sunlight but direct sunlight should be avoided. They also have a variety of types with different colors and patterns like marble, golden, and neon. *These can be toxic to pets if consumed.*

Zebra Plant

Now, I said the plants on this list would be easy to take care of—this one, however, is slightly temperamental. It needs some humidity and its soil should be consistently damp. It thrives in indirect sunlight and partial shade. So yes, it sounds like a lot, but it’s truly worth it. These are so pretty when they are thriving. To make sure your zebra plant is getting enough humidity, you can mist it with warm water a few times a week. As long as your zebra plant is being watered correctly, it should be wonderful. 

Prayer Plant

These also need some extra care. They need humidity and indirect sunlight. But again, these are so worth it when they are thriving. The soil should always be damp since these are susceptible to drying out. These come in a variety of patterns. For example, some have yellow or golden stripes, while others have pinkish stripes. 

Jade Plant

These are really simple to take care of since they are succulents. They should be watered when the soil feels dry to touch, and they can handle being under-watered. It will thrive by a sunny window. *These can be toxic to pets if consumed.*

Snake Plant

These are probably the most tolerable plant on this list. These do well in indirect sunlight and should be watered when the soil is dry to touch. These also have a variety of patterns. For example, some have super dark green leaves, some have golden borders, and some have red-tinted leaves. *These can be mildly toxic to pets if consumed.*

Spider Plant

These do well in moderate to bright sunlight and should be watered about once a week (keeping the soil slightly damp). These produce cute little plantlets, which are where they get the name “spider” plant. *These can affect pets if consumed.*

Peace Lilies

These are beautiful houseplants with dark green leaves and contrasting white leaves that are usually mistaken as flowers. They aren’t difficult to care for, but they are susceptible to overwatering, so they should be watered when the soil is dry to touch. These do well in partial shade. *These can be mildly toxic to pets if consumed.*

Parlor Palm

These have feathery leaves. These tolerate lower-light conditions, but they can be susceptible to overwatering, so they should be watered when the soil is dry to touch.  They do best in bright indirect sunlight as well.

ZZ Plant

These are pretty tolerant plants, with wide, dark green leaves. These do best in low to bright indirect sunlight. These should be watered when the soil is dry to touch. The big drawback is that these are toxic to pets and can cause skin irritation, so be sure to wash your hands after handling and keep away from pets. *These are toxic to pets if consumed.*

Check out these fun ways to decorate your dorm room!

Want more options? Check out this list of 25 hard-to-kill houseplants from GoodHousekeeping.


(She/Her) Heyy! I'm a sophomore in highschool. I think it's important to educate ourselves on the issues affecting our society and what we can do about it.

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