I’m the girl that they call shy
I’m the girl that they call a scary cat
I have these chains wrapped around me
There’s this one chain I want to break
Singing is the best talent I have
but I’m afraid to shine and show the world
my amazing talent. One day I’m going to be
loose as a goose so you better not get me started.
This poem is taken from the book, The Stars are Lying, a collection of poems produced by students from Putnam Middle School and Oliver Elementary School, in collaboration with Desert Island Supply Company (DISCO).
For more information on this project, or to purchase the complete book,
[button title=”Click Here” link=”http://www.discobham.com/store/the-stars-are-lying?category=Books” target=”_blank” color=”#37CDB3″ font_color=”#fff” ]
All sales proceeds help sustain the future of the Woodlawn Writers Corps.