“You can do anything” you said
What you meant is :
“You can do anything, if it fits in your box”
Who said anything about a box
Isn’t a box just something to hold the particles from a past life?
A life where women did not stand up for what is right
Due to fear of being seen as strange and insolent
A life where men were judged on the color of their skin
Not what they thought and built and dreamed and saw
A life where I am not really me
I am just the remnants of what I used to be
After you shaped me into something you liked a little more
Something that looks more pretty in the mirror
But lacks convention and soul
That is what I am able to do
That anything is really just another restriction
A lie wrapped in pretty paper
But I am done trying to unwrap what was never there
I am breaking that box
That box is just a memory from a past life
And not one that will ever be resurfaced
Because whoever said that history repeats itself did not speak the truth
At least not when they were talking about me
Because me, I can do anything
And that has never been done before
You Can Do Anything