Often, the environment you are working in can have a big impact on how productive you are. Over the years, I have learned that a quiet space with natural light and limited social media is optimal for me, whether it comes to getting school work done or studying for exams. However, each individual is different, and people have various preferences when it comes to limiting distractions and staying focused.
Here, I have outlined several common elements that make up individuals’ study/work environments. Keep in mind that a workspace should be where you get work done, but also where you feel relaxed and can think freely. I urge you to read on, and if something seems like it might work for you, try it out! A productive environment is composed of several factors, so put together the aspects that work for you.
I think this is the most important part of a workspace! Although it may be more comfortable to do work on the couch or in bed, studies have shown that people are more productive when they sit at a desk to complete their work. If you don’t already use a desk, I would highly recommend getting one and using it regularly. You will be amazed at how much more attentive and focused you will be on your work.
Sufficient Natural Light:
Studies have shown that health and productivity go hand-in-hand. When exposed to natural light, individuals experience better sleep, receive more vitamin D, and tend to have more energy during the day. Therefore, it makes sense that they are able to be productive! My recommendation is to create a study space near large windows so you get the most out of the natural light during the day time. Also, go outside and study when you can! Getting some air is helpful for feeling fresh and can help you focus on getting your work done!
Place for Electronic Devices:
If you’re like me, it’s really difficult for you to get any work done when your phone is around you. I would recommend finding a different place for this, and any other distraction, while you work. For example, I frequently use my laptop to complete assignments, and since I don’t use it to check social media, I keep it on my desk when I work. On the other hand, I put my other electronic devices in a space in the corner of my room. That way, I don’t feel tempted to constantly keep checking them. I would recommend finding a place for electronic devices if you’re like me and get easily distracted.
Music/No Music:
I personally prefer working in a quiet environment and cannot focus when there are noises around me, including music. However, I have many friends who find it easier to concentrate in louder spaces or when there is music playing. I think this is mainly personal preference, so implement what works best for you into your space.
Or if you like sound, but can’t have music playing try white noise!
Plants and Other Decorations:
Some individuals like to decorate their workspace with things they like. Think plants, inspirational quotes, and other types of decor. Items like pictures, mementos, or other significant objects can also be helpful to have.
I always have a water bottle with me when I’m trying to get work done. Staying hydrated is very important! Water helps with cognitive processes, so it’s really no wonder that people are more productive when they are hydrated. If you can eat while you work (and still be productive!), having snacks at your workspace may be helpful.
Desk lamp:
We all have days when we have to work on things late into the night, and it’s sometimes easier to see if you have a desk lamp. I’ve heard this is pretty common, so if you don’t already have a desk lamp and think brighter lighting over your desk may be helpful, consider buying one!
Basic Office Supplies Easily Accessible:
Having items like writing utensils, erasers, tape, and a stapler easily accessible in your workspace can come in handy. Most of us use these supplies on a regular basis when we’re trying to get school work (or other work) done, so it always saves time to have them at hand when working. Using bins to organize these items can be helpful as well.
Although most individuals have a heating/cooling system in their house, it may sometimes feel more comfortable to work in a particular temperature. I prefer to work in a cool room, so using the fan is always very helpful during the summertime. It is key to feel comfortable in your workspace, so finding a temperature that you work best in is very helpful.
Space to Get Up and Walk Around:
Taking breaks is also very important and is known to increase productivity. It’s good to have room to stretch/walk around a little in your work environment. If you don’t have much space available to you, I would recommend making an effort to leave your workspace to go outside every once in a while. This can help clear your mind and will allow you to return to your task feeling more refreshed, allowing you to be more productive in the long run.
If you loved these tips, check out this one on how to be more productive!