
10 Quick Tips to Make School Easier

Girls Chatting and Studying

10 Quick Tips to Make School Easier

Hey everyone! I know we’re getting close to the end of the 9 weeks and if your grades aren’t looking too great, or you just want to make school easier, I have the tips for you!

  1. Get Your Work Done Early!
      • This is a very important thing. I know that procrastination looks so appealing, but don’t fall for it! It’ll make your life so much worse, and cause too much stress. Getting your work done early not only makes your life less stressful, but it also clears up your plate to do the things you like!
  1. Focus on Yourself!
      • I know we all like helping out our friends even if that thing is bad like helping them cheat on a test. We’ve all been there before, but remember you can say no! You can help your friends but don’t help them cheat, teach them how to solve the problem, or how to study. You can look at an article to help with studying called How to Study.
  2. Don’t Date!
      • I know highschool is so amazing and there’s more people to become friends with which means more people to date. Friendship is already hard enough, dating makes everything more complicated and when you inevitably break up its going to be awful for everyone involved. I know from first hand experience, it’s ban
  3. Don’t Spread Rumors!
      • Rumors are awful! They can get you in trouble, hurt the other person’s feelings, and they definitely cause drama, and drama is the #1 thing that makes school harder than it needs to be.
  4. Give yourself something to look forward to!
      • I struggle a lot with giving myself motivation to do things, but I’m getting better at doing things. One of the ways I learned to motivate myself is to give me little things to look forward to. It can be something as silly as being excited for Taco Tuesday or something during the weekend like hanging out with your friends!
  5. Take Mental Health Days!
      • If school just becomes too overwhelming and you’re breaking down over silly things, like you couldn’t find your pen, you probably need a day off from school. You can talk to your parents about taking a mental health day and use that day to treat yourself! Take a bath with a bath bomb, light some candles, paint your nails, do a face mask! Just take care of yourself! But you can’t take a mental health day every week. I limit myself to 1 mental health day per quarter, so I have 2 mental health days per semester, and 4 mental health days in a year.
  6. Make Friends, but Give Yourself Space!
      • It’s great to be surrounded by your friends and make new ones, but also remember that you are your own person, you can do things without your friends. Take some time for yourself at school and at home. It’s exhausting to be around people all the time.
  7. Support Each Other!
      • If you notice that someone is having a bad day, or that someone wasn’t here for notes, be kind and lend them your notes, or make something that makes someone happy. School is a community and you should do everything that you can to make it a safe environment for everyone.
  8. Mind Your Own Business!
      • This is a thing that everyone struggles with, everyone, including me. Leaving people alone and not causing drama relieves a giant burden off of everyone’s shoulder. I know some people won’t get the memo that this 2024-2025 school year will be drama free, but you can do your best not to make anything worse.
  9. Be Yourself!
      • I know that this is really cliche, but it’s true! If you show your true, authentic self, more people are bound to like you, or at least respect you for being yourself. Being yourself takes courage and strength. You are not weak, I believe in you.

Okay! That’s it for me! Bye, have an amazing rest of your day!

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  • TG

    So real. I used to do my homework at school so I had no homework at home, but I haven’t been locked in lately.

    October 8, 2024 at 10:01 am
  • Sohnee Patel

    This is very helpful! I spend a lot of time doing homework and studying so these will come in handy, especially for time-management!

    October 18, 2024 at 10:46 pm
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